Earls Colne Roadworks

The Parish Council have been made aware by Gigaclear that the following roadworks for their installations will be happening in the following roads at the following times. These have all been approved by Essex Highways www.essexhighways.org.

Please see below works update from our contractor, as always, subject to change. Please feel free to display this information on any notice boards, websites, Facebook pages etc. you feel may benefit residents. Permit information can also be found at the website https://one.network

Street Address Status Start Date End Date Application Status Traffic management
Massingham Drive In progress 12/01/2023 17/01/2023 Granted Give and take
Nonancourt Way In progress 13/01/2023 17/01/2023 Granted Give and take
Willow Tree Way In progress 13/01/2023 17/01/2023 Granted Give and take
Thomas Bell Road In progress 16/01/2023 18/01/2023 Granted Give and take
Sims Close Proposed 16/01/2023 23/01/2023 Granted Give and take
Foundry Lane Proposed 13/01/2023 23/01/2023 Granted Give and take
Hillie Bunnies Proposed 16/01/2023 27/01/2023 Granted Give and take
York Road Proposed 27/01/2023 02/02/2023 Granted Give and take
Park Lane Proposed 25/01/2023 07/02/2023 Granted Give and take
Swallow Field Proposed 02/02/2023 08/02/2023 Granted Give and take
Monks Road Proposed 27/01/2023 08/02/2023 Granted Give and take
Josselin Close Proposed 27/01/2023 09/02/2023 Granted Give and take
Halstead Road Proposed 06/02/2023 15/02/2023 Granted No carriageway incursion

Whilst emailing I would like to reconfirm the contact details for queries of a build nature and for individual resident queries, please direct these to our Network Build Care team at networkbuildcare@gigaclear.com or by calling 0370 774 0537.

Please contact Essex Highways or Gigaclear if there are any issues.

Parish Council Address

Parish Council Office
Council Chamber
Village Hall
York Road
Earls Colne
Colchester CO6 2RN

Office Opening Hours

Monday: 09:30 - 12:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 12:30
Friday: Closed


Contact Details

Parish Clerk
01787 224 370

Click here to email us