The Allotment Association was created in the Autumn of 2009, at the suggestion of the Parish Council, to manage the new allotment site at Earls Colne. The Parish Council was aware that several people in the village were interested in taking on an allotment and that some had been on waiting lists for plots in Colne Engaine and White Colne for a long time.
In May 2009, the Council approached the Hobbs family to see if they had land available which could be used for allotments, and the new site in Newhouse Road was identified and leased to the Parish Council at a peppercorn rent. Following a very well attended open meeting held in the Parish Council Chamber in September 2009, the Allotment Association was formed and officers appointed.
The main objective of the group is to grow their own fruit and vegetables, but just as importantly, to extend the community spirit that exists within the village.
The association has attracted both long term and new residents and also covers a wide age range, from pensioners to families with young children.
The annual fees for an allotment plot are currently:-
Plot Size (metres)
10x5 £25
Earls Colne Allotment Association Committee
Chairman Chris Heaffey
Tel: 07986 426722
Treasurer Sue Thompson-Arnold
Tel: 01787 223900
Secretary and Membership Enquiries Angela Emerson
Tel: 07837 717983